Thursday, July 05, 2007

There's something about Sarah

It has come to my attention that a certain good friend of mine is feeling a little "blog neglect" (I don't think it's quite progeressed to the stage of "blog rage" just yet).

This is an unfortunate situation that needs to be remedied immediately! Despite the fact that the person in question is swanning off to PNG to save the world for a few months and keeps on cancelling our phone dates to talk to more important people.

Although she did spent a great deal of time with us the other week... and even more time in the car park of our apartment block trying to break into Dave's car with a coathanger to retrieve her keys from the ignition in order to drive back to Canberra.

So here we go: Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah

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