Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Prash & Mel's Excellent Adventure

Ooo my buddies Prash and Mel have just sent their first message from their 6 week holiday to India, London and Canada, on their way to living in Paris. I'm oh so jealous of then, but also incredibly sad not to have them hanging out with us here in Sydney! And also extremely happy for them to be having such a cool experience.

They've made a blog too, here check it out: Prash & Mel's Excellent Adventure

Mel's engagement ring is done and here's the first glimpse we got of it today. WOW!!!

You'll notice a second diamond encrusted band which looks suspiciously like a matching wedding ring. Mel's rationale for wearing it straight away before they've even thought about setting a date for the wedding is, "I figure it'll be safer on my finger than in a box". I love it, such a lawyer. How did Prash let her get away with that one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike - I found you through Mel & Prash's blog! good stuff! How is vegan May coming along? I am experimenting with a 60/70% raw vegan diet at the moment - but I go off the rails on the weekend...