Sunday, June 17, 2007

Book club

We just came back from a wonderful Sunday arvo at Nat and Colin's new place, just up the road in North Sydney. Huge terrace house with a swimming pool and gorgeous dark wood fireplace which Colin had cranking on this overcast drizzly chilly winter afternoon. Amazing food as well, I'm still salivating about the gruyere in the potato bake and the roasted apples, mmmmmm...

Plus we had a really stimulating conversation about The Inheritance of Loss (Booker prize winner, god knows how. None of us really enjoyed it very much. Beautiful writing but bleak unengaging characters... ah well I won't go on). Ahhh, the perfect way to spend a Sunday.


Sarah Low said...

And what, pray tell, was your plebeian friend Sarah doing while you were enjoying this bourgeois lunch?!

Mike said...

Not hanging out in our carpark trying to retrieve her car keys from the ignition of a car she was locked out of? With a coathanger? We would have sent you a breadcrust but we're not into associating with the great unwashed.